Doncaster 1:50 Stalls: Farlow Rating: Withernsea Speed: Sirius Prospect My Selection: Sirius Prospect 16/1 2:25 Stalls: Spinatrix Rating: Katawi Speed: Jack Dexter My Selection: Jack Dexter 11/4 3:00 Stalls: Lady Tiana Rating: Lady Tiana Speed: La Banderilla My Selection: Lady Tiana 3:35 Stalls: Dashing Star Rating: Mount Logan Speed: Mount Logan My Selection: Mount Logan 16/1 4:05 Stalls: Fieldgunner Kirkup Rating: Personal Touch Speed: Pastoral Player My Selection: Pastoral Player 14/1 Sandown 1:55 Rating: Liberty Red Speed: Liberty Red My Selection: Liberty Red 5/2 2:30 Rating: Roudoudou Ville Speed: Sound Investment My Selection: Sound Investment 15/2 3:05 Rating: Dubawi Island Speed: Kashmir Peak My Selection: Dubawi Island 6/1 3:40 Rating: Saroque Speed: Tullamore Dew My Selection: Saroque 7/1 4:10 Rating: The Hon Mackinlay Speed: Kings Song My Selection: The Hon Mackinlay 9/4 Wincanton 2:40 Rati...